Expanded Carrier Access

Instantly Offer More Carrier Options to Your Clients

When agents start out, most begin with only a few carriers and find it difficult to sell enough to maintain the minimums carriers require. They also struggle to get any traction in direct carrier appointments. With AHA at your side, we not only help you get those direct appointments, we instantly expand the array of insurance carriers that you can now offer to your clients. 

Expanded carriers. More policy opportunities. 
Instead of limited options, we represent a carefully vetted group of competitively priced national and regional insurance carriers, allowing you to place coverage with the company that offers the best protection and most competitive rates for your client. Our expansive lineup of carriers is just one important factor that differentiates us from other insurance networks. Agencies that have traditionally only offered personal lines now have immediate access to the commercial market.

"The greatest thing AHA has done for my agency to propel growth was getting me in front of some of the carriers, helping me obtain the direct appointments, and just giving me the access so that I didn't have to limit the opportunities for my clients."

Deanna McDaniel
Owner, McDaniel Insurance

Here is a list of some of the carriers you will be able to write personal and commercial policies with. (With this lineup, chances are that you can even find a carrier for that niche policy your client wants!)

Acuity_Logo_RGB_Low.png Full_Logo___Gray_Lettering.png American_Modern_Logo_RGB_High.png Attune_Horizontal_RGB_High.jpg AmTrustLogo_RGB_High.png
Arlington_Roe_Logo_Vertical_RGB_High.png Branch_Logo_RGB_High.jpg BristolWest_Farmers_Logo_RGB_Low.png BurnsWilcoxLogo_Stacked_RGB_Blue_High.png Celina_Logo_RGB_High.jpg
Clearpath_Logo_RGB_High.jpg CNA_Black_High.jpg CIS_LOGOS_RGB_PAS.jpg Coterie_Logo_RGB_High.jpg CRCGroup_RGB_High.jpg
DonegalInsuranceGroupLogo_RGB_Low.png Employers_Logo_RGB_High.png EncompassLogo_RGB_Low.png Foremost_Primary_Full_RGB_Low.png Grange_Integrity_Logo_RGB_High.png
BerkshireHathawayGUARDLogo_RGB_High.png Hagerty_Logo_RGB_High.png Hanover_Logo_Black_RGB_High.png TheHartfordLogo_RGB_High.png Jencap_Logo_RGB_Low.png
Liberty_Logo_RGB_High.png Lio_Insurance_Circle_Blue_RGB_High.jpg National_General_Logo_RGB_High.png NationwideLogo_RGB_Low.png NeptuneFlood_Logo_RGB_High.jpg
OrchidLogo_Vert_RGB_Low.png Pathpoint_Logo_RGB_High.jpg Pie_Insurance_Logo_RGB_High.jpg Propeller_Logo_RGB_High.jpg RLILogo.jpg
Safeco_Logo_RGB_High.jpg Secura_Insurance_Logo_Horz_RGB_Low.png State_Auto_Vert_RGB_High.png RPS_logo_Horizontal_RGB_Low.png RT_Specialty_Logo_RGB_High.jpg
TAPCO.jpg TravelersLogo_RGB_High.png UFG_Logo_RGB_Low.png FNL_VacantExpress_Logo_RGB.jpg WestBend_Logo_RGB_MED.png
    Westfield.png XS_Brokers_Logo_RGB.jpg  
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